دولة الباطل ساعة ودولة الحق إلى قيام الساعة * Ali Bnu Abi Talib
Congrats to the Libyan people for getting rid of the tinpot dictator who had held tight rein on them for more than four decades. Their success is an undeniable proof that any authoritarian regime is “more vulnerable than a spider’s web”[1] when people resolutely stand up for freedom.
Good riddance to the ruthless brutal dictator who had been sitting on his people’s shoulders for almost half a century depriving them of all freedoms and feeding them long shallow and ridiculous self-congratulatory speeches. Good to see the back of a recklessly stubborn and stupid dictator who has always refused to concede fault or listen to the voice of reason and act accordingly. Adieu paranoid, megalomaniac dictator who used his country’s money to fund terrorist groups all over the world instead of promoting infrastructure and building a productive economy at home, or offering his people quality education, and improving the Libyan population’s welfare.
Gaddafi is a prototype of ruthless and cruel dictators who see their people only as slaves, subjects, and a herd of sheep who should be led as they see fit with no right to protest or demonstrate against anything. Instead of coming down to talk to them and listen to their demands when people took to the streets on Feb 15th, he adamantly got on his high horse and began to insult them calling his own people “rats”, “cockroaches”, “stray dogs”, "traitors" and “terrorists” and murdered hundreds of them in an attempt to mistakenly scare them and silence the voice of freedom. He threatened to hunt them down “from house to house and from alley to alley”. It’s these terms that added fuel to the fire and provoked freedom loving sons and daughters of Omar Al Mukhtar to stand up and take arms to fight the dictator.
Gaddafi is an example of ignorant dictators who wouldn't listen or leave or step aside at the propitious time. They insist on holding on to their thrones waiting to get the torch of defeat from their predecessors. They put on blinkers and cling to power to the last shred of imaginary hope, selfishly and cruelly murdering, imprisoning, and torturing their own people. They have no place for democracy, freedom, justice, and dignity in their dictionaries in their countries which they have turned into family estate.
Gaddafi is a sample of adamant dictators who never learn lessons from other arrogant dictators who end up living a horrible life in exile or prison or hiding hole. Because of their morbid attachment to power, they end up being mass murders and then fugitives from justice or prisoners struggling with diseases in cold lonely cells.
The fall of the world's most ridiculous buffoon-dictator, who called himself “desert messenger”, “king of African kings” and a whole slew of other names, is a warning to other dictators - in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere - that tomorrow is just a day away. "An alert and learned man will take advice from any event," said Ali Bnu Abi Talib
* A state built on falsehood is [for] an hour,
A state built on truth is until the coming of the hour [of Judgement].
You hit it right brother Noureddine. Ghaddafi and his manaic likes never get lessons from others' experiences until life comes to teach them one. The problem of these dictators is psychological rather than political. Therefore it should be aproached clinically not militarily or even polemically if I may say so. I suggest that they see a psychiatrist as an effective tool to intervene without any more booldsheds. Their problem is actually a psychological one but just incarnated in a poltical fashion. Nice article, I enjoyed reading it:)
Waiting to read from you :)
Thank you Slimane for your comment and thanks also to those wrote to me directly and I wish the Arab Spring the best
Sou totalmente contra ditadores malucos, como é a maior parte dos governantes do mundo, mesmo dizendo-se democratas. Na verdade escondem-se em pele de cordeiros, invadindo o território que eles quiserem, utilizando-se das mesmas armas contra os "homens do mal"retirando-os do poder: derramando mais sangue, banalizando a violência, deixando-nos a mercê de uma 3º guerra mundial. Os EUA invadem seus territórios, impondo - de forma sutil - o modo de vida americano, deixando-nos cegos.
Um erro não justifica outro de tamanho maior.
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