Monday, February 2, 2015

Teachers Give Life
Noureddine Boutahar

There has been a scorched-earth campaign against teachers and public education in Morocco recently. Teacher-bashing has become a national pastime that selfish corporates have been encouraging and propagating to further hidden agendas and vested, narrow interests which are none but the privatization of the sector. In fact, blaming teachers for the failure of the Moroccan education is totally ridiculous and misplaced, and it is meant to distract us from the real causes and expedite the process of privatization.
There is not a dollop of truth to the accusation that teachers are responsible for all that ails our schools. Our education is sick because of top-down, corporate-driven, for-profit reforms. Even well-intentioned plans and projects of reform on the part of the governments have often been infected with proverbial wolves in sheep’s clothing that lurk for opportunities to wring out personal benefits. In addition to complicated corruption cases, there is the problem of privatization whose proponents are working at full throttle to take control of our national education. They spare no effort to persuade the public and policy makers that the nation’s public schools are failing - and teachers are to blame.
There is not even a modicum of truth in the allegation that teachers are responsible for the failure of our schools. Our education fails because our schools are ill-equipped, our teachers are poorly-trained, and our curricula are dull and irrelevant. For schools, most of them are really dilapidated, overcrowded, and lack appropriate equipment for both physical and educational needs – unless they call the hand-me-down scrap from China equipment. As regards teachers, they are the making of the system’s Universities and teacher training schools. So, if there is anyone to blame here, it is the system itself not the teacher-victim. Finally, our curricula have always been top-down scriptures that focus on quantity at the expense of quality. These curricula are meant to create semi-literate, malleable, and robotic citizens.
There is not a shred of truth in the claim that teachers are responsible for the deficiency of our educational system. Teachers have always gone above and beyond for their students. Many teachers routinely spend money out of their own pockets on photocopies and other supplies for their students. I know of teachers who bought clothes and school supplies for students. I know of others who painted their classrooms and fixed cracks and electrical plugs in their classrooms out of their own money. In addition, teaching not only takes a toll on teachers' pockets but also remains "the only profession where you steal supplies from home and take them to work". I think, no other professional can claim to have done so.
There is not a grain of truth in the incrimination of teachers as the cause of all Moroccan educational problems. Teaching is one of the most humane professions on earth and teachers are saints and heroes and paragons of virtue. They are the shoulder-to-cry-on for most students who bring not only their ignorance and different learning styles to school but also their fears, worries, and family struggles. Whenever there is a family problem, a death, or a tragedy, it is usually the teachers who discuss it with the children first. It is the teachers who brood them under their wings until they get over their difficult period. For this reason, teachers are obliged to know every one of their students’ names (more than a hundred each year), their learning styles, their unique personalities, their performance, their challenges etc. They play multi-faced roles including that of educators, disciplinarians, psychologists and psychiatrists, advisors, and much more.
There is not a particle of truth in the claim that teachers have it cushy. Teachers are often envied for long summer breaks and other holidays. However, there is more than meets the eye here: Teachers work 24/7 and juggle between different responsibilities. In fact, teachers work nights, days, and weekends sacrificing time with their family to correct mounds of papers, prepare lesson plans, make quizzes, tests, and exams, and do administrative work and so on. Also, teachers often have poor and disturbed sleep because they are haunted by the students they didn’t reach, the violent unruly kids they didn’t understand, and the lessons they taught wrong. In short, teachers are worn-out, over-worked, and underpaid but they keep on serving selflessly, patiently, and modestly.
There is not a seed of truth in the indictment of teachers as the root problem in education. The truth is there are great and bad teachers just as there are great and bad doctors, lawyers, politicians, businessmen and so on. So, it’s not fair to single out teachers and judge them with biased wrong standards when there is usually a bad apple in every bunch. It is undemocratic to condemn the majority with the sins of the minority. It is true that there are individuals who do not belong in education, who abuse their profession, and who misbehave, but these individuals should remain a strange anomaly and not the norm. Allowing such micro-fraction of bad teachers to cast a negative shadow on the rest is a grave injustice against this profession.
There is not an iota of truth to many of the accusations targeting teachers and public schools because they are mainly meant to manipulate public opinion to accept privatization as an antidote. However, it is worth mentioning that education is more than a right and much more than a service delivered to a consumer. Education is essential to life and nurtures the mind as food nurtures the body. So, handing it over to businessmen and foreign organizations puts the health (and mind) of Moroccan citizens in jeopardy and threatens the very existence of this country and its legacy. More to the point, teaching is the profession that makes all other professions and should be free, compulsory and accessible to everyone.
Yes, there is a jot of truth in the Minister of National Education’s statement that “good teachers are a rare commodity” because good teachers are lost in the chaos created by corruption, conspiracies, impunity, unaccountability, and other social ills that eat away at our society. There are great teachers, good teachers, and bad teachers as well. The latter have to be weeded out once the recruitment is fair and non-discriminatory, appropriate good training is afforded, working conditions are provided, salaries are raised to match teachers’ workload, and teachers are considered partners rather than adversaries.
To conclude, what we need, so far, is a radical paradigm shift in thinking about education including the way teachers are trained, treated and looked at. So, let’s start where the best performing education systems like Finland and Singapore started: high-quality pre-service and in-service training for teacher, deeply thoughtful relevant curricula, and quality teaching and learning materials. Let’s not commit such huge moral mistake of throwing our kids into the gaping mouths of businessmen because, “Democracy’s sacred mission is to protect and empower everyone equally by the provision of public resources, what we call the Public.” I rest my case.

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