Wednesday, November 15, 2023

In Defence of Teachers
Noureddine Boutahar

In recent times, an unsettling trend has emerged, casting a shadow upon the noble profession of teaching and eroding the integrity of educators. Detractors paint a portrait of teachers as indolent, indifferent, and driven solely by financial motives. These allegations not only lack merit but are also a distortion of reality.

Teachers, like guardians of an educational sanctum, strive for dignity, justice, and equality. Their mission transcends the boundaries of a classroom, reaching towards a vision of a Moroccan society where public schools stand as bastions of quality education and equal opportunities for all.

Teachers, akin to luminaries guiding the path from ignorance to enlightenment, go beyond the mere dissemination of facts. They toil tirelessly to nurture critical thinking and creativity in their students, sowing the seeds of ethical values grounded in justice and responsibility.

Beyond the classroom, teachers are architects of societal and economic progress. They not only elevate the standard of education and prepare students for the challenges of the job market but also actively participate in sculpting a generation of innovative and educated youth, poised to drive economic development.

Teachers, serving as exemplars of outstanding citizenship, distinguish themselves through remarkable ethical conduct. They stand out as individuals demonstrating an unparalleled commitment to integrity and are among those least prone to corruption. Not only do teachers exhibit unblemished moral character, but they are also among the least likely to engage in tax evasions. Furthermore, their steadfast adherence to legal norms surpasses that of the general populace with respect to laws and rules. By embodying these virtues, teachers go beyond the mere transmission of knowledge, becoming pillars of ethical strength that fortify the very foundation of a just and law-abiding community. 

Regrettably, in our society, teachers find themselves unfairly caricatured, labeled as miserly individuals fixated solely on strikes, protests, and salary increments. Yet, it is these very educators who have earned prestigious awards for excellence in teaching on the global stage. Their dedication surpasses the superficial criticisms, reflecting a commitment to shaping not only the minds of students but also the future of our nation.

Today's ongoing teacher strikes are indicative of enduring frustration and a loss of confidence in the ineffective and failing reforms, much like those of 1985 and 2003. Today, these educators are not asking for opulence; rather, they seek fair compensation to execute their responsibilities with utmost effectiveness. Their plea centers around securing reasonable working conditions, providing the fertile ground necessary for the cultivation of their noble profession.

In the lively dance of education, teachers are the choreographers, twirling through criticism with grace. Let's give a standing ovation to these maestros of inspiration, orchestrating a future filled with boundless potential!


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